The Process of Getting Plan Sanction in Chennai from CMDA and DTCP
Everyone dreams of owning a piece of land and we at Sketches n Design ensure you live your dream. We help get your land regularised and approved through our expert services at the quickest time. Land regularization was originally created by the government to cleanse the real estate market with policy initiatives. This was done to curb the increased number of unapproved plot developments and layouts without basic amenities and proper infrastructure.
Some of the general guidelines for the regularisation state - The individual plot in a layout or subdivision should have been sold out or transferred in favour of the applicant. It also states that any unapproved layout shall be a contiguous piece of land and that the plot shall abut a public road or gain access from a public road through a passage. The plots or layout restricted for regularisation are those located in a public water body, barren lands, OSR, park and playground in approved layout, etc. We at sketches n design easily help you get your plot approved in the right way.
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Roles and responsibilities of a House Contractorin Chennai
The House contractor is known by many names such as civil contractor, renovation contractor, turnkey contractor, lock and key contractor and Labour Contractor. The roles and responsibilities of the building contractor change as per the type of building contractor.
Detailed procedure on how to apply for the land regularization in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Submission of application on-line
The first step is the submission of the application for regularization by the individual/promoter
Physical inspection and examination
After the submission of the application, a competent authority shall certify that the plot forms part of a subdivision before the regularization after inspection.
Issue of payment demand notice
If the plot is found regularization, a demand notice for payment of regularization charges, development charges and open space reservation charges shall be issued.Payment of fees and charges
The applicant should pay all the charges and fees as per the demand notice within thirty days.We at Sketches n Designs provide the best services to help regularise your land through thorough and proper procedures.
Documents required for the registration of an unapproved layout
Five copies of layout plan and details like address, clear demarcation of plot dimensions, access road and road width, dimensions of public open spaces, public purpose plots and highlighting the sold plots in the layout before the implementation of these rulesTopographic layout like the public access road, width of the access road and the surrounding physical features within a radius of 500 meters from the layout
Encumbrance Certificate issued by the Registration Department not more than a week before the date of application
A self-attested tabular statement of sold and unsold plots along with plot number, dimensions and its extent, date of sale, document number, name of the purchaser as mentioned in the encumbrance certificate in case of the sold unit Self-attested copy of sale deed or title deed with details of land ownership along with other documents like Permanent Land Records (PLR) or Town Survey Land Records (TSLR) and Field Measurement Book (FMB) sketches for the survey fields in the layout
Documents required for the regularization of an unapproved individual plot
Three copies of layout plan and Site plan with dimensions of the plot or subdivision as per the Field Measurement Book (FMB) sketch along with the width of access road duly signedTopographic layout same as unapproved layout requirement and the self-attested copy of sale deed or title deed along with other land records and Encumbrance
No objection certificate or status report, in case of the plot falling in agriculture land, a certificate or status report from the authority stating that the layout is not obstructing the waterways on the common field irrigation channels on the ground and flood level or inundation
Self-declaration in Form-II for both unapproved layout and plot: This is to the effect that the layout does not fall under Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act